.............hopefully counted since april 25, 05 ...........
  Time elapses...
If there is a theme to this post, you can read it in the title. If you want to read into it further, check out, which is a temporal anomaly in the blogger world, an assessment of the infinite and of human perception...and in the last few days, I have to wonder where time does go? Left alone all day to my studies of wind turbines and mechanical vibrations, and at night, free to roam creative pastures with ideas and realizations popping in and out of my mind...and after all this it leaves me to wonder if this is concentrated creativity I am smoking and why I haven't been able to wield it in such a way before.

Time is funny. Lunchtime it is now. I just woke up two hours ago, so maybe breakfast is in order. No, can't do breakfast, because there isn't any on the menu. A friend wakes an hour later than I, contemplating the redundancies of life through the window of clairvoyant perception. A sister takes her coffee break from a job that hasn't warrented the grueling anticipation of a coffee break yet...the office still has that new smell, the furniture just assembled to the best of your knowledge of the swedish language...6 hours in the future, old friends are sitting down to their nightly supper, after a full day of work no doubt, and maybe with not much on the horizon other than another workday tomorrow, and perhaps a re-visiting of old places...

above in the relatively infinite, all these discrepancies are indiscernable..the slow revolution of venus brings the low horizion wanderer closest to the northwest corner of a brand new cresent moon (paraphrased, thank jerry garcia),...each one of us separated into space and time see this, all in due course (all at the same latitude). United under the static sky, reflected in it's patience we are, for the reverse is true of our existance from the luminiferous aether's perception....unchanging, but for the rotation and burgeoning of a new day...

scattered though, here, I sit...with static perception and infinite wonder at the timing of it life is a conclusion to my own ancestory, it is a conclusion to this universe is humbly but understandably has begun and it will end with I....the time in between is stationary, and it is shared. It mingles with neighbors, holds hands with lovers and shares with stumbles over strangers and gets run down by the appointed leaders...but in all this while and it all of its journeys, it is right here at the center of the universe, in the hands of the creator and its will is bent to all that desire may dream about....For what you dream of....

Ha yes...if you run time backwards, you strangely get "emit" in the "emission" of pure thoughts at the speed of, if you multiply pure thought by the negligible mass of your synaptic neural will get "E".. and that is the awesome power of free will as in "free thinking"...and the realization that "cogito ergo sum" in fact a reality....
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