.............hopefully counted since april 25, 05 ...........
  I'm awake, and the jury is still out...
Did you ever have one of those nights.??...of course you have...we have all had 'one of those nights' at some point in our wandering, for me last night was of particular interst...I guess it may be telling, yknow, that like I could derive some character traits from a night like last, or at least identify something of my current state of is kind of strange the things that seem like normal feel good fun but in retrospect can be pretty out of the ordinary, can be pretty far out of the fucking ordinary....

and if you're wondering the finer details, well, I'm sorry but this post will be written in generalities and you'll have to infer from the little detail I am willing to give...not that I don't like sharing my life with you...people of the voyeurs that you are...just that I don't think you're ready for this one...

no animals were hurt in the making of this post. can we just leave it at that??

i'm not being fair. there could have been 8hours of drinking, smoked meat, and some friends involved...maybe not in that order...

boy, this may be a tough day. I think i'll rest.


I miss you, Phil.
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