.............hopefully counted since april 25, 05 ...........
  New York, New York
Just thinking about NY, after I have recieved some pictures from the homestead...There are so many things that I miss about that place, things which always seem accentuated when I'm away...right now my image of life in NY is glossy. The blemishes that have sickened my view in the past have now faded, and all ugliness loses its reprehensibility. It was those damned cute deer and my parents hard at work that maybe done it to me...!....I know though, that my mind always selectively forgets the undesireable aspects of life in any place but that at present -maybe to serve for nostalgia's sake- and that these are bound to surface again when the 'mundane' takes hold in my world...But let this message serve as a reminder that nothing but perception is wrong with NY...


I know what you mean about good old NY. I get nostaglgic too! and think about eating and drinking some vino on the patio in the summertime, making a fire, and mom trying to keep the fire going with pine needles and alomost falling over the cliff from being tipsy (-:

Those pics of home reminded me of that.....
but home will always be there, so enjoy your new experiences while you can!
looking forward to hearing about your weekend!
you can travel far and wide but I hope our little white house on the river will always hold such fond memories.
I can't wait for the holidays when we can all spend some time together again to share stories of the previous year. I'm stocking up on the vino!!
Until then,,ENJOY and be careful
Love you
nostalgia's a powerful emotion. I get misty-eyed for my hometown a lot... but when I'm there i realize there's nothing to do and no one I really know there anymore.

Do your parents still live in the house you grew up in? We've moved out of ours. I regret that... I have so many happy memories of the farm and no way to really see it again...
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