.............hopefully counted since april 25, 05 ...........
  Celebrate this Day!

For the past two years, I have celebrated in Quebec on this day, 'La Fete Nationale', St. Jean Baptiste Day. Every year around this time I tell myself that I'm moving to Quebec, marrying a french girl and her culture, and celebrating 'la belle vie'; winter hockey games, summer festivals with folk music in the park...

Thanks to google, I've found out exactly what the origins of this feast are...

The date originally was the pagan celebration of the summer solstice. King Clovis of France christianized the event by making it a religious celebration of the birth of John the Baptist. John the Baptist is known as the Precursor of Christ, rebirth, and the light to the world, which explains the link to the solstice. Bonfires were lit to symbolize the light of the World

So, at sundown, lets together raise the Fleur de lys, light a fire, and celebrate the night away with eachother...
What a revelation....Here's a bit of knowledge that managed to escape my voratious appetite for filling my neural networks and cramming my synaptic pathways....Thanks...I will dig out my Quebec flag...hoist it high in my yard and look at it lovingly...knowing that my journey has not been in conjunction with your "Quebecois" heritage runs in your veins....
Bonne St-Jean!

There were people with St-Jean-Baptiste flags at Critical Mass today :)

I just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed reading of your exploits. You may remember playing hockey with your father at Hudson Valley around Christmas. I was the semi-rusty, always enregetic 'old guy' that ran the group. Cherish your youth and ability to see the world. I like the fact that you respect where you came from with all the miles and years behind you. Larry H.
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